Who AM I

The short version is, I am a humor columnist, freelance writer, and author of seven books, so far.

The longer version is that I fell in love with books after stepping onto a bookmobile and being presented with my very own library card. It made me feel like reading was fancy, and that stuck with me. Shortly after that rite of passage, I went to the grocery store with my mother. Standing in line, I picked up a paperback book and asked her if I could get it. Being in a hurry, she looked at the cover and threw it in the pile, not investigating the subject matter. Hindsight says she should have.

My first purchased book! I clutched it all the way home, anticipation flowing thru my veins like electricity. I got home and read every single word; eyes wide open with emotion. That book was, “Ode to Billy Joe” by Herman Raucher. Wowza! A racy one. One that still makes me think, to this day.

I became an avid reader after that moment, as it taught me that the written word had the power to transport a person to another realm. I wanted to give people that experience, so my destiny was chosen. I was going to become a writer.

Holding my dream close while I raised my family, I honed my skills in private until my “full-time mother” career was complete. It was then, I boldly knocked on the door of the newspaper editor in our hometown and introduced myself as, “his next editorial writer”.

After explaining I had absolutely no experience or special education, I handed him some sample articles and told him to contact me if HE thought I was truly a writer.

Three weeks after that meeting, I had my own column in a local women’s magazine.

My passion for writing added to my desire to make people laugh has made me a surprisingly popular columnist, my articles published nationwide. I have written for several women’s publications, gardening magazines, and blogs. My first fiction novel, “Sylvia, Please Don’t Be Dead” was met with rave reviews, and my children's book series, “Mimi’s Loves”, is a hit with young and old. All are available online and in stores.

I love my “extraordinarily ordinary” life in the Midwest, where I live with my hubby, and gladly share my message of joy and laughter with anyone that will listen.

Thank you for stopping by to visit. I sure hope you stick around!